We are excited to join the Sierra Club for their Wilderness Outdoor Weekend in Lake Tahoe. It will be a full day filled with FREE hikes and other adventures like standup paddle-boarding and climbing.
I am sitting here in what could be considered a bit of a disaster of a house and I am realizing It has been really a busy few weeks here at CampEats. No actual camping but lots of outdoor related fun. (My husband building mini campers - that is outdoor related right?)
2015 has been one complex year for our small family. It will go down as the year we made our commitment "official". We also closed a few chapters and started some new ones including starting CampEats. This afternoon we went on a magical hike on Mount Sutro here in San Francisco.
CampEats is a family business. But to explain how my husband -- the self proclaimed "bookworm" -- and I decided to start a company with the simple mission of "connecting families with nature using food" you need a little bit of the backstory.